***IMPORTANT UPDATE/CLARIFICATION: Regarding updated essential retail business list***

Hi everyone,

First I just want to say I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy during these confusing and frustrating times.

I wanted to make a public statement as many of you have reached out to inform me that "pet groomers" have now been deemed an ‘essential retail business’ by Governor Murphy.

While that is correct, there is a very specific distinction that I needed to clarify which was causing me a lot of confusion.

The specific language of 'retail business' is referring explicitly to "brick and mortar" businesses that operate with a physical location that the public accesses services from, and does not include mobile or house call groomers. I even reached out to the Governor's office and they were able to verify that is indeed the case: brick and mortar grooming shops are allowed to be open, not house call groomers like myself which is why, unfortunately, I have to keep my business closed for now.

I’m aware how frustrated everyone is by this news but let me reassure you, I am just as frustrated if not more so. I have mocked up at least 3 schedules, thinking I was in the clear to start grooming again to only have each one be crumbled up with tears upon them. I can’t put into words how much I miss all of you and how much I want to get back out there and take care of my pups!

There have also been a number of people suggesting different ways I could continue grooming in their homes. While I appreciate the attempts to come up with various methods of social distancing while attempting to groom, I simply do not feel comfortable putting myself out there knowing that I could get in trouble and I cannot make any exceptions.

On a more positive note--since brick and mortar grooming salons are allowed to be open now, those of you that have reached out to me concerned about your dog’s condition now at least have another option to get them groomed sooner rather than later...and I take no offense if you wanted to take them to someone else in the interim, especially given these circumstances.

Lastly, I know much of this is beyond my control and we're all going through a lot right now. Just know I’m sorry that I can’t be up and running during these times. That’s the problem with my business not being the clear cut ‘grooming salon’ style of grooming…house call grooming is not as widely accepted as regular shops, and even often gets confused with the mobile grooming businesses, but rest assured that we will all get through this together and it will be back to business as normal again soon enough.

As soon as I can confirm that my business can return to normal operating procedure, I will be reaching out to everyone to double check availability and get a manageable schedule together.

I have put my heart and soul into this business and I won't give up. I love and miss you all. Please stay safe and be well.