Back in Business on June 15th!

I just wanted to update you all in light of Gov. Murphy announcing dates for Stage 2 of re-opening NJ, I will be reopening in the middle of June!

At this point I have contacted everyone who had their appointments cancelled back when we started the stay-at-home period or were on my waiting list but if I missed you, please let me know. (And if you are looking to make an appt, please keep in mind that I am booked right now until the middle of July so you may have to wait a bit, unfortunately)

As things return to normal I will still be taking precautions, for example, I will be taking fewer clients each day so I have additional time to sanitize my equipment and myself in between appointments to make sure things are as safe as possible.

I appreciate all of the love, support, and patience you have shown me over the past few months. I look forward to seeing all of you and your wonderful pups soon. Please stay safe.

Take care, Michelle a.k.a. The Loving Groomer