Business to remain closed until further notice due to Covid-19

As you know on March 21st, 2020, Gov. Murphy issued an executive order which stated that all New Jersey residents should remain home unless they are part of businesses classified as essential for at least a period of two weeks, and that shortly thereafter was extended to early May.

At first I struggled with the language of the order, as technically my business does not fall into the "brick and mortar" category that was specified. However, after much thought and discussion, even if my business is in a grey area the bottom line is that it is not an essential business. We are all living through difficult and honestly scary times and even with the best of sanitation practices, I simply cannot find a good reason to take any extra risk that could undermine the efforts to help stop the spread of Covid-19.

So with that being said, and with a heavy heart, I am announcing officially that I will continue to remain closed until early May (presuming that the quarantine does not get extended again). I will be reaching out to notify anyone who may have had an appointment already scheduled in April and early May within the next day or so. I will also be making a list so that when the quarantine is lifted I can reschedule in the same order.

I don't think any of us were really expecting something of this severity to occur the way it did, and I apologize for any inconvenience this scheduling roadblock is going to make. I sincerely appreciate all of your love and understanding during these trying times. Thank you and please stay safe!


Michelle aka The Loving Groomer