Summer advice for double coated dogs!

After such a long winter, I'm sure you're just as happy as I am that summer is here!

Just remember, if you have a dog with a double coat (Ex. Golden Retriever, Siberian Husky, German Shepard, etc.) and you see them panting while hanging out in the sunshine, DO NOT SHAVE THEM, it will NOT make them cooler.  Their coat is what protects them from the sun and if you have it shaved off, they will be more susceptible to sunburn and their fur will not grow back in properly.

Still confused?  Here's an article to further explain what I'm talking about:

Then what should you do to help them?  1. Brush them daily to take away some of their undercoat. 2. Provide plenty of water and a cool area for them to relax. 3. Call The Loving  Groomer with any questions or to make an appointment!

Remember, I'm here not only to provide grooming services but also to help you keep your dog happy and healthy! :)